Lee Pascoe is Australian, currently a resident of England, frequently
visiting Europe. She is a Board Certified Hypnotist and Certified Instructor
for the National Guild of Hypnotists, U.S.A.
She presents seminars, in English and French, in hypnosis, self-discovery,
mind potential and personal fulfilment throughout Europe, the USA and
She is also a Fellow of the Professional Speakers Association, England.
Click here for a description of Lee's trainings.
Lee Pascoe was trained in the US as an Certified Instructor, and is
qualified to teach basic and advanced courses recognised by the National
Guild of Hypnotists. The N.G.H., founded in 1951, is the largest international
organisation of hypnotists and has more than 14,000 members world-wide.
In August 2000, Lee won an award at the Annual Convention for her contribution
to the Guild, particularly for the translation and publishing of the
official course manual into French.
She has appeared on the cover and in several articles of the Guild Journal
and the Hypnogram, the official newsletter.
In 2001, she was awarded the title of Board Certified
Hypnotist, in 2006 she received the distinguished title of "Fellow",
and in 2008 she was awarded the prestigious Order of Braid. In 2009 she was named Ambassador for the NGH in France.
Finally, in 2018, she received the highest honour of the Guild, the Rexford L. North Award (see photo).
Click here for
more on hypnosis and Hypnovision.
The Silva Method
World Prize 1995
Director of the Silva method in Paris since 1988, Lee received an honorary
doctorate in 1997 for her work in contributing to the Silva Method.
She trained and launched Silva lecturers in the Northern part of France,
Belgium and the French West Indies. Lee and her husband, Michael, have
presented Silva workshops in Canada, (Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver),
Marocco, Ireland, England, Hungary and the United States (Texas, California,
Oklahoma, Massachussetts, Florida.) In 1995 and 1997, Lee was invited,
the only team member not a member of the Silva family, to present the
Lecturers Development Seminar to training lecturers in Laredo, Texas,
working alongside José Silva.
Click here for more on the Silva Method

Lee’s book, "The Magic of Make-Believe” (Beyond Positive Thinking)
was originally published in English by Findhorn Press,
and is available for sale during live seminars.
To order,
It is translated into French, Lithuanian and Hungarian.
For information, lee@leepascoe.com